Being the Right Choice for Candidates – Reflecting on What You Have to Offer

Being the Right Choice for Candidates – Reflecting on What You Have to Offer

With so much pressure on life science companies to find the best candidates and keep them, it’s hard to know what to do for the best. However, leading with an introspective ethos is a great starting point. Take a moment to reflect on what makes a company the right choice for candidates and work out if you are doing all you can. We’ve shared some top tips to help you focus more on what candidates need from you.

Think About Induction

One of the biggest reasons a candidate leaves a job quickly after starting is because they feel lost or unsupported, with companies with a poor onboarding process being twice as likely to lose staff than those with a solid system. Rather than following suit, take a moment to think about your induction process and consider whether it offers everything a candidate needs to settle into your workplace and understand their objectives. Buddying people up, offering an induction program, and providing regular check-in opportunities are great ways to give new staff the confidence they need.

Think About Progress

Once you’ve honed your induction process, you should focus on retaining great staff who have been with you for some time. Most people want to know that there are progression opportunities, so reviewing training, succession planning and upward mobility to ensure clear paths forward will help staff feel like there are opportunities for them. Remember that progression doesn’t always mean promotion; you can also offer training, support, and specialist projects for people to do to build up their resumes for the future.

Think About Coaching

With your induction and progression in order, you just need to consider how to keep getting the best from the people you employ so that they feel satisfied and want to work hard for you. One of the best ways to do this is through a formalized coaching offer where staff can be coached and mentored to help them develop. The wonderful thing about coaching is that it is personal to the individual, so your team feels invested in and use what they have learned to help your business grow – it’s a win-win for you!

Think About Exits

Even with all the best processes and offers in place, there will still be times when people choose to move on to new pastures. Rather than taking this personally and feeling unhappy that they haven’t stayed with you, use it as a valuable learning tool. Conducting non-judgmental exit interviews can give you a clear insight into how staff feel about your organization, providing you with information you can use to develop and improve your offer. Don’t let someone leave without taking the time to talk to them, as they may just hold the key to your future success.

Find the Right Candidates with GeneCoda®

Making sure you are a quality employer for candidates is a fantastic way to keep the right people, but it may not help you find the right people in the first place. That’s where GeneCoda® comes in! We are here to help you find the best candidates for your life science executive jobs so that you can enjoy greater retention and even better results. Reach out to our team today to find out more.
