ETCC Employee Turnover Cost CalculatorThis form shows calculations in a dynamic manner. The ability to print or download a summary is available at the end of the form. Page 1 of 7Departing Employee DataIs your company in the Life Sciences sector?* Yes NoDeparting Employee's Title*Departing employee's annual base salary*Estimated Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (Benefits, Taxes, etc.)**Enter your own dollar costs OR US DOL estimates 30% of base salary but includes PTO. Subtracting estimated PTO of 7% = 23% of annual salary.Employer Costs for Employee Compensation PercentageEstimated Annual Salary + Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (Fully Loaded Labor Rate)*Not including PTONumber of working days per year**Subtract your company's total PTO (Paid Time Off) in days from 260 and enterHours Worked Per YearDaily Salary + Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (Fully Loaded Labor Rate)*Days workedPreviousNextPage 2 of 7Existing Employee DataHiring Manager's annual salary*Hiring Manager's hourly rateInterview Team's annual blended salary (Excluding Hiring Manager)**Other members of the interview and administrative team EXCEPT Hiring Manager (Sum the total annual salaries of the interview team divided by total headcount)Interview Team's hourly rate (Excluding Hiring Manager)Coworker's annual salary*This field should reflect the salary of the person(s) who will actually be picking up most of the departing employee's workload exclusive of the Hiring Manager.Coworker's hourly ratePreviousNextPage 3 of 7Pre-Departure CostsDeparting employee immediate lost productivity**Lost productivity estimates of a departing employee are from 50-75% of weekly hours. Enter % value range from 0-100.Notice Period in Days**2 week's notice less weekends = 10 days.Hours spent by others for lost productivity*Assumes 8 hour dayAdditional hours spent by Hiring Manager due to predeparture lost productivity**Hours entered + Coworker hours MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent by others for lost productivity"Additional hours spent by Coworker(s) due to predeparture lost productivity*Read only field. Change Hiring Manager hours for different total. Hours entered + Coworker hours MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent by others for lost productivity" Administration**Estimated dollar figure for separation processing, exit interview, materials turnover, etc.Estimated Pre-Departure CostsPreviousNextPage 4 of 7Vacancy Interim Coverage CostsNumber of working days until the vacant position is filled**Consider the relative strength of supply / demand for the skill set to estimate recruitment time, add time for interview selection and offer and time for employed candidate notice to his/her present employer.Hours spent by others covering vacancy*Assumes 8 Hour Working DayAdditional Hours Spent by Hiring Manager covering vacancy**Hours entered + Coworker + Temp hours MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent by others covering vacancy"Additional Hours Spent by Coworker(s) covering vacancy**Hours entered + Hiring Manager + Temp hours MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent by others covering vacancy"Hours spent by temp agency or contractor covering vacancy*Read only field. Change Hiring Manager or Coworker hours for different total. Hours entered + Hiring Manager + Coworker hours MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent by others covering vacancy"Temp agency / Contractor cost per hour*Estimated at 1.5X the departing employee's hourly rate (salary only)Estimated cost to 'cover' vacant positionPreviousNextPage 5 of 7Cost to fill vacant positionTotal Number of Hours Invested by Hiring Manager**Resume screening, interviews and/or other work done by Hiring Manager.Total Number of Hours Invested by the Interview Team**Resume screening, interviews and/or other work done by Interview TeamCost of advertising position**Ad placement and associated costsSearch Firm / Temp Agency / Employee Referral Fees**Include fees for retainer, placement or temporary conversion here. Hourly temporary position costs to cover the vacancy on an interim basis are covered earlier.Cost of behavioral and skills assessments*Cost of background checks (criminal, workers compensation, reference, education)*Cost of drug screens and pre-employment physicals*Relocation costs*Sign on bonus*Estimated cost to fill vacant positionPreviousNextPage 6 of 7Estimated Orientation and Training CostsConsider Manager, Company Trainer and/or Peer(s) in this computation. If needed, use blended annual salary rate.Orienteer annual salary (Enter $0 unless your company has a dedicated training / orientation function)**Trainer, operations manager or other salary of individual(s) responsible for onboarding IF SEPARATE FROM Hiring Manager / Coworkers.Total orientation and training days (until basic proficiency)*Estimates are about 2 weeks until basic proficiency.Hours spent for initial orientation and training*Assumes 8 Hour Working DayHiring Manager orientation hours**Hours entered + Coworker + Orienteer MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent for initial orientation and training"Coworker orientation hours**Hours entered + Hiring Manager + Orienteer MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent for initial orientation and training"Orienteer hours*Read only field. Change Hiring Manager or Coworker hours for different total. *Hours entered + Coworker + Hiring Manager MUST equal the hours in the field "Hours spent for initial orientation and training"Orienteer CostsHiring Manager & Coworker CostsTotal onboarding and orientation costPreviousNextPage 7 of 7Productivity RampIn the first 3 months, an average new employee is estimated to perform at 50% productivity of a tenured employeeEstimated productivity percentage during ramp period*Select a value between 25% and 100% 100 - Estimated productivity rampEstimated days to 100% productivity**Subtract days of "Total orientation and training days (until basic proficiency") or pre-approved PTO from your entry. For example, 65 working days in a quarter less 10 days of baseline proficiency with no PTO = 55Estimated productivity ramp costAdditional CostsSeparation Pay*Unemployment Insurance*Extra-ordinary Costs Not Otherwise Factored*Examples: Revenue loss attributed to top performing sales person beyond productivity ramp, litigation costs, outplacement costsTotal dollar cost of turnoverTotal cost of turnover as a percentage of annual salary Payment options PreviousNextSubmit