Spending money on staff is always going to be the most expensive part of your business. As you work hard to invest in the people that can help produce the outcomes you are looking for and as most life science professionals are already employed in the US, finding new talent has become a key issue for firms across the country. In fact, CBRE state that life science has an unemployment rate of just 0.6%, making it almost impossible to discover new talent without a specific and targeted strategy.
Many firms feel that their current recruitment strategy is robust and well designed but if you really want to be a leader in life science, now is the time to create a specific brand strategy that appeals to the people you need – find out exactly what a brand strategy means to your life science firm and start creating yours.
What is a Brand Strategy and Why Do I Need One?
A brand strategy is simply a process by which you manage your company reputation by agreeing a specific format and set of rules for engaging with people. When it comes to using your brand strategy to reach new candidates, you should be focusing on sharing your values and ethos so that people can work out if you are the type of company that they want to work for. Companies that use brand strategies are more often successful at finding and retaining candidates.
How to Build Your Brand Strategy – 5 Simple Steps
If you are ready to dive into brand strategies, then these five simple steps will get you off to a great start:
- Understand You Current Brand – before you can start working on a new brand strategy, your first need to find out how your brand is currently seen by candidates and other stakeholders. Take the time to check all types of feedback you have received and consider sharing a survey, allowing you to learn how people view your company.
- Work Out What You Want to Change – once you know how you are currently perceived, it is time to map out what you want to change and how you are going to do it. Start by creating a brand strategy goals list before using it to create a road map that will take you to the end point you are aiming for.
- Know Who You Want to Appeal to – it’s also important to work out who you want to appeal to when your new brand strategy is complete. Create an ‘ideal candidate’ and consider what they would want to see to join.
- Decide What You Will Offer – when you have your new strategy and ideal candidate, you will need to decide what you will offer to entice candidates to apply for your jobs. Differentiators like the team, the platform, ongoing training, flexible work, and other benefits will all work to drive candidates to your door.
- Constantly Evaluate Your Success – you may think that once you have created a new brand strategy then you can sit back and enjoy watching your application rates grow but this is not the case. Every great brand strategy involves a continual evaluation process, giving you scope to tweak and grow as your needs change.
Combining GeneCoda® and Your New Strategy – a Winning Combination
If you are keen to start attracting quality candidates to your freshly branded company, then GeneCoda® is the perfect partner. We work with you to understand your specific needs and then suggest specific candidates that we believe will fit your brand perfectly. Get in touch with our team to find out more about what we can do for you.